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The Youth Compass Project
A free programme of life long investment, inspiring young people across the world to develop strong heart and character to become the elders of tomorrow - equipped to Lead, Love & leave a Legacy
“I hated the idea that there were no more Mandela’s” Kate Robertson Co-Founder One Young World
“Why do you need to wait until you are 70 to worry about your legacy? Why aren’t you worrying about it when you are 21?” Simon Sinek
What is The Youth Compass Project?
To invite every young person in the world on a life-long journey of becoming someone who leads, loves and leave a legacy.
What is the end in mind of your life?
A lot of people go through much of their lives focussing on today, or the short term. They do not lead their lives by beginning with the end in their mind.
An important question to ask ourselves is whether we believe that the end destination of our life is death, or whether we can focus on leaving a legacy beyond our death? To do this they focus on who they are becoming (their character), because it is more important to them than what they are doing (their skills or achievements). Being is more important than Doing, because simply doing, or achieving, cannot last without a solid foundation of Being.
“Whatever you do just for yourself in your life, will die with you. What you do for others will live on after you die” - Sir Ken Robinson
The ultimate aim of our lives is that we become elders. There isn’t just one Nelson Mandela. Every one of us can become our own, unique version of Mandela for the world. Elders are the older, wiser, people in our societies who have been focused on three things: -
1. Lead: Writing their own life story and not letting someone else write it for them – they lead themselves and others, to become their best selves.
2. Love: Living a life that is committed to the benefit of others, not just themselves – they commit to love.
3. Legacy: They live a life that will outlive them
– even if they don’t know exactly what it is, they invest their lives to leave a legacy to benefit others.
If we begin our lives, focussed on who we want to become, even more than what we want to do, then we can make every day of our lives a powerful step in a meaningful life journey. Everything that happens to you every day becomes an invitation to become an elder – someone who leads, loves and leaves a legacy.
When you set your compass to North, then every step can take you to that destination. Eldership is like the north point of your life compass. That’s why this is called The Youth Compass Project.
The programme will guide you through 22 Challenges to embed into your life and 6 Commitments to be a foundation for your life Plus plenty of support content